
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Effects Of Red

The color red can affect you in many ways and make you feel like you are going through an uncomfortable phase...

or be cool and make you want to reflect, slow down, rest and consider your days...

Two be or not two be...that is the question!

Shall I take the stairs or try the door...someone's been here before!  Or...

"Red rover, red rover send the Alpacas right on over!"  Or could it be...

"I want just red Dahlias daaahling," what do you think?

No matter what, red causes us to link!

On a warm Spanish night can you hear your heart rate almost in sync...

with the red tractor next door that has started to sink...!

...because the old red rooster wanted an ice skating rink!

Now no preconceived notions of Red or it will make you like...lead...and....fall.....right.......into... ........bed.....ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz